
I'm going to make it a goal this week to find as much inspiration as I can.

I've been thinking so much lately about how life is meant to be LIVED and how little we truly do that.

What is it that Henry David Thoreau says?

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

Living deliberately. Yep, sounds good to me.

Just think about it. How often do we go about our days not even really feeling ALIVE?

Do you feel alive right now? I mean really alive.

We've all heard the saying "going through the motions."

It's true. We get up, we drive, we work, we eat, we drive home, we sit in front of our television, we eat, we sleep...repeat.

Well in all of this routine, do we ever take the time to smell a flower, or look into the eyes of a coworker, or take in all the beauty of a good song? Do we savor the taste of our coffee or appreciate the blue-ness of the sky?

Or do we not have the time to do those things? Are they just not important enough?

Are we doing the things we really love to do?

Are we taking time out of our schedule to just enjoy life?

Are we taking time to just FEEL something deeply?

If we aren't...I have to then ask the question:

What the hell are we doing?

I just want everyone to be alive. This life holds so much for us. And it WILL slip by. So let's pick up the pieces, open our eyes and LIVE.
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