It's just that knitting and reading books and sitting on my bed chatting with friends through a computer...
just doesn't fill that hole.
Am I not worth a fight? Am I not worth thoughts and actions?
I mean, I feel like my standards aren't so high as to not be attainable.
All I'm asking is respect. love. as little selflessness as any human being can muster. thoughtfulness.
I'm not asking you to climb ten mountains, slay a dragon and kill an entire army.
I mean it could be a lot worse.
But how come I can't even find someone that treats me the way I feel women should be treated?
And has character and integrity.
Lives outside the box.
Are these men depleted?
Isn't there someone who can cherish every piece of who I am?
Someone who can bring out the best parts of me and even love me through the worst.
Really? Is it too much to ask?
I am usually not one to see the glass half empty, but I'm starting to believe it is too much to ask.
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