It's just that knitting and reading books and sitting on my bed chatting with friends through a computer...

just doesn't fill that hole.

Am I not worth a fight? Am I not worth thoughts and actions?

I mean, I feel like my standards aren't so high as to not be attainable.

All I'm asking is respect. love. as little selflessness as any human being can muster. thoughtfulness.

I'm not asking you to climb ten mountains, slay a dragon and kill an entire army.

I mean it could be a lot worse.

But how come I can't even find someone that treats me the way I feel women should be treated?
And has character and integrity.
Lives outside the box.

Are these men depleted?

Isn't there someone who can cherish every piece of who I am?
Someone who can bring out the best parts of me and even love me through the worst.

Really? Is it too much to ask?

I am usually not one to see the glass half empty, but I'm starting to believe it is too much to ask.
I'm so torn between this decision.

One side seems risky, uncomfortable--exactly the kind of thing I love.

The other seems safe, boring--like I'm not actually living.

The only problem is, the safe decision seems like the one I should take.
And I don't know why.
And I don't want to.

And I don't know if it's because I'm afraid to risk.
Or if I think everyone is sick of me going away, that after this time no one will really care anymore.

Maybe I'm not trusting God enough.
Or maybe I'm not letting Him do something with me right where I am.

I just want to go forward.
And throw caution to the wind.

But I can't.
Something is holding me back.
And I don't know what it is.
But it's driving me crazy.
I just can't figure it out.

Am I analyzing too much?
But I'm just so unsure of what to do.
Jesus, Lord of Heaven
Oh I do not deserve the grace that you have given
And the promise of Your word.
Lord I stand in wonder
Of the sacrifice You made.
Mercy beyond measure...
My debt you freely paid.
Your love is deeper
Than any ocean
Higher than the heavens reach
Beyond the stars in the sky
Jesus Your love has no bounds
Jesus Your love has no bounds
Jesus Your love has no bounds
-Phil Wickham
When the words aren't coming
And my life feels dry
And I can't seem to find that switch
That makes everything better
And tells me exactly what I'm supposed to do

And when my ears aren't hearing from God
And my mind is rushing with "what if's"
And I'm screaming inside of myself

Sometimes I google

"What does God want me to do with my life?"

No joke.

(Kids--don't try this at home)

That's not the answer, I know. But it makes me giggle. So I guess it does it's job :)

I'm going to make it a goal this week to find as much inspiration as I can.

I've been thinking so much lately about how life is meant to be LIVED and how little we truly do that.

What is it that Henry David Thoreau says?

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

Living deliberately. Yep, sounds good to me.

Just think about it. How often do we go about our days not even really feeling ALIVE?

Do you feel alive right now? I mean really alive.

We've all heard the saying "going through the motions."

It's true. We get up, we drive, we work, we eat, we drive home, we sit in front of our television, we eat, we sleep...repeat.

Well in all of this routine, do we ever take the time to smell a flower, or look into the eyes of a coworker, or take in all the beauty of a good song? Do we savor the taste of our coffee or appreciate the blue-ness of the sky?

Or do we not have the time to do those things? Are they just not important enough?

Are we doing the things we really love to do?

Are we taking time out of our schedule to just enjoy life?

Are we taking time to just FEEL something deeply?

If we aren't...I have to then ask the question:

What the hell are we doing?

I just want everyone to be alive. This life holds so much for us. And it WILL slip by. So let's pick up the pieces, open our eyes and LIVE.
I am craving an adventure.

It's not even so much the adventure, I think.

I just want to feel alive.
I just want to be connected.
Not just to the internet, or my cell phone, or the endless amounts of homework I have, or my job.

These things are all great and nice, but sometimes I just forget what it feels like to sit in the grass.

I forget what it's like to spend an entire day outdoors, just soaking in the sunshine and forgetting time and gadgets and responsibilities.

I forget what it's like to hold a child and make them laugh.

I forget what it's like to see a smile form on a friend's face and engage in deep, beautiful conversation.

I forget the bigger picture.
That it's not about all these "responsibilities" and "obligations" I have. It's not about the homework, not about going through the motions, not about "connecting with people through our endless technologies."

It's about the things that are right in front of you. It's about finding the life in every moment.
I don't want this life to just rush through my fingertips.
I want to milk it for everything its worth.
I've gotta stop forgetting these things!
but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. --Clay P. Bedford

So I've started my first week of school and it already has me into some pretty deep thinking, which I am very excited about!

I love anything that challenges me. My brain likes to be tossed all over the place and I just can never get enough of learning.

Anyways, I feel like each of my classes has brought me something new and exciting this week and I would just like to share them.

A few days ago, I was reading in my art history book about the first works of art that they've found. To me, it wasn't the most asthetically pleasing artwork, or most interesting. I think the interesting thing about it though, is that these people were the first "artists." They started making works of art and had to develop their own materials and everything. It just makes me realize even more how much creativity was instilled in us as human beings. What made those people draw those pictures or form those sculptures? Was there some overwhelming need inside of them to create something outside of themselves? What was their purpose? It also makes me realize what a silly artist I am. I have insane amounts of art supplies at my disposal at any given time, yet I cannot seem to produce anything (as of recently). Do I need to go back to my roots and get rid of all preconceived ideas and just create what's in my heart and mind? Hmm...yes I believe I do... :)

In my Sociology class, we were asked to do an experiment that goes against social norms in some way and then to write about it. As I'm researching different experiments I can do, I'm realizing more and more how hard it would be for me to go beyond social norms. The thought of doing anything embarassing or weird in public makes me uncomfortable. So now I am faced with the question: why? It's always been aggravating to me how much I let other people's opinions rule my actions. I want so desperately to get away from that. So I want this experiment to be a start to that. (By the way, if anyone has ideas of experiments I could do, let me know!)

Today, I was reading in my Abnormal Psychology book and, WOW, it's just blowing me away. The more I read about it, the more I realize how much I am in love with humans and the way they work. I was reading today about different research methods and came across this question:

"When does the benefit to many outweigh the suffering of a few?"

While this question was posed as a response to the different research methods psychologists try on humans and animals, it makes me think of a lot more than just that. For instance, this past year I have developed a huge passion for social justice. When I think about this question, I think about how it applies to child labor (MANY people are benefitting from this...if you don't think you are...check your clothing...made in India? yep...huge chance you are as well, my friend), human trafficking, and many of the other areas I've studied. When do we draw the line? I dont know...just some thoughts.

Last class is my Spanish class, and while nothing has been particularly enlightening about it, I am just enjoying speaking and practicing the language. I miss Costa Rica dearly and speaking Spanish just helps me feel a little bit closer to it.

and remember:

You learn something every day if you pay attention. --Ray LeBlond

I was mistaken as a fifteen-year old.
And I had to wear a bright yellow wrist band around the mall to let all the other security guards know that I was over 15.

Did I mention that I just turned 22?

Wow...that's embarassing.

my fresh start.

Coming back to my small town, Indiana home after living in Costa Rica for ten months requires a fresh start.

The person I was ten months prior can only be captured in photographs.

I feel totally changed.

But coming back home has a tendency to set things back. You come back to things that haven't changed, which makes it difficult when you have. Your room is the same, your car is the same, it's like the things in your house haven't moved a single inch. They were just waiting for you to return.

And so, you're tempted to fall back into your same routines. Do the same things, eat the same things, see the same things. Monotony.

But this time, I'm starting fresh.

My life has changed.

I refuse to go back. I'm only going forward.

And so, I'm starting with the small stuff.

I am moving into my brother's old room.

I painted it bright yellow to make me smile every day.

I put in new contacts yesterday (fresh contacts are one of the greatest feelings).

I just turned 22.

I'm looking for a job.

I'm starting school.

I'm throwing things out.

And now I'm starting a new blog.

And it feels grand.

I'm excited to start writing about all the "fresh-ness" in my life.

All the awe and wonder.

The happiness.

The sadness.

Documenting the meaningless episodes of my life, the funny thoughts that slip into my head at random, the life-changing moments, the eye opening lessons learned, the ridiculousness.


So here I am.

About to try this again.

F-R-E-S-H S-T-A-R-T.

Bring it on.